Thursday 17 September 2015

They call it the heaven on earth. Let’s go to MALDIVES


If you are a traveller and you haven’t dreamt of going to Maldives then here is your chance. The country consists of thousands of islands and you cannot find a whiter beach than these. From the most luxurious to backpackers, they have got deals for you.

The most beautiful thing is the beautiful reef. You can either go snorkeling or go to the deep dives with the help of a dive instructor. You can find these instructors in each and every resort.

The islands are all over the country. All you need to do is talk to your travel agent and the rest is done for you. The most common mode of transport is through seaplanes. Have you ever seen a plane landing on the sea? Yes it is for real.

There are a lot of exciting surprises in maldives. Grab your bag and LETS GO MALDIVES

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