Monday 14 September 2015

Zero Pollution

Hello fellow traveler!

Today i am going to share my story in Switzerland, The destination of my trip in Switzerland is the city of Zermatt, it is located in southern Switzerland's valais canton. The city is unique since there are no fuel-based motor in the city that makes the air within the city clean.

Additional information, Switzerland is using their own currency which is swiss frank.

To get there i need to ride a train shuttle because it takes hours to go to Zermatt by road.

This is how the main road of Zermatt looks like at day.

For those who loves Toblerone, here is the picture of the mountain's summit that being printed on Toblerone's packaging, the Matterhorn mountain.

You can travel to the summit of the snowy mountain by cable car and also the level of oxygen is so low at the summit.

These two transportation vehicle is one of the example of the electricity-based motor that being allowed to operate in Zermatt

The city's christmas tree that being delivered by helicopter at night due to extreme access for big vehicle.

Just a scenery that i kept in my devices to memorise the beauty of gigantic mountains in Switzerland

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